Well Rooted is a natural living market made for you

Redefining the non-toxic living experience through clean products, real guidance and resources.

More than an online shop, Well Rooted is a movement towards a healthier life and empowerment.

Each swap is a step towards lowering your toxin burden.  At Well Rooted, we promise to always source the cleanest, high quality brands + empower you from within.

Meet Our Founder

From my teenage years to early adulthood, my skin was always an experience filled with the occasional highs and the usual lows. It began with chronic allergies that turned into painful hives, to extreme cystic acne. I longed for a support system that could help me quit the guessing game and guide me to better understand how I can truly heal. After finding out all my favorite products I had been using for over 15+ years were filled with harmful endocrine disruptors and toxins, I craved a place that supported my health and wellbeing.

That’s where Well Rooted Market came in. I married my love for holistic living with the purpose and passion for clean products and wellbeing. 

I wanted Well Rooted to be a place where you could feel truly supported on your non-toxic living journey while switching out your products for cleaner alternatives one step at a time. We’re not promising quick fixes or magic solutions because that’s not how true change happens. We’re more about a shift of mindset, a practice of patience and love towards your journey and embracing the imperfections. It’s time to take your power back and be empowered.

Hope to see you soon, 